Our program is based on knowledge of child development.  The curriculum is based on the age span of children within the group and is implemented with attention to the different needs, interests, and developmental levels of individual children.  Appropriate curriculum planning is based on teachers’ observations and recordings of each child’s special interests and developmental process.  Our curriculum aligns with the California Department of Education’s Pre-school Learning Foundations.

Since our philosophy focuses upon the developmental process of the child, we provide programs that include growth in all areas.  This means providing learning experiences to promote language and literacy, math and science concepts, social development, and self-help skills.   For example, children participate in interest areas such as building with blocks, creating art, manipulating toys and objects that promote reading and math comprehension, working and playing with dramatic play, science, reading, and sensory centers. 

Our schedule provides quiet and active periods with all age groups participating in the inside and outside classrooms (weather permitting).

The preschool personnel and facilities meet the State of California Administrative Code's requirements governing childcare facilities.  We are licensed by the State Department of Social Services.